Raw Video: Tsunami Slams Northeast Japan

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Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2011

A tsunami triggered by a massive earthquake washed away buildings along the northeast coast of Japan. (March 11)

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  • If God is there, tell Him not to have Tsunami then...

  • @Abriggs500 Dude. That makes no sense at all. 9/11 was man-caused. Even if 2012 were real, 9/11 wouldn't be a contributor. But, look at Y2K. DID THE WORLD GET FUCKED UP? No. It's called a winter solstice. Did you ever realize, that sometimes when civilizations like the Mayans only have so much time, they finish a calendar and it just repeats over again? There was nothing to say what would happen would be bad/devastating. Even NASA says nothing will happen.

    -Thoughts and prayers to those in Japan

  • Where is superman when we need him ?

  • @ImBoyD20 90% of the world highes mountains are here in China, we can hide this trust me.

  • @Kebabsoup Well until there's a better idea of how to help these people (talking to yourself pretending to be talking to someone else not included), let me know.


  • @IamaChinesePatriot where they are building the ships, i know i saw the movie.

  • lets all pouse the video for ten seconds in the name of a victen , and every thumbs up is us saying GOD BLESS YOU ALL

  • @diekontrolleure You are both idiots.

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